Hello there! We’ve been hard at work for the past two months developing this website. Why? What was wrong with the old one? I hear some of you asking.
Thanks for the question, probably-imaginary-but-assumed readers!
Things change fast in the word of web design, and one major change since the last design has been the rise of so-called “responsive design.” Thanks to the increasing prevalence of mobile devices, websites increasingly must be developed for a variety of resolutions and platforms. So our redesign aims to demonstrate our prowess in this arena.
Second, we needed to update our portfolio, and a redesign is as good a time as any to do that, right?
Third, design styles change with time, and the natural, grungy look we had before had fallen out of fashion. Being a good web designer means, in part, staying up to date with trends in both development and design, so it was time to give ourselves a fresh new look. What do you think?
Unfortunately, there’s still probably a few bugs here and there, and the blog is not quite as fully featured as we would like it to be. We’ll be aiming to develop ongoing, fresh content for both our fellow web designers and our clientele here, so subscribe via RSS or a social network, or check back later for interesting articles on how we build our sites, interesting news in the world of web design for authors and publishers, and whatever else happens to tickle our fancy.